Saturday, December 07, 2002

the pollard lab "family" christmas party

my new lab pretty much runs like a dysfunctional family, full of cut-downs, sibling rivalry and the PI playing the family patriarch. all in good fun, of course. at first the work environment was a bit hard to get used to, but i think it's growing on me.

anyway, i get to the party (dave and his girlfriend karyn gave me a ride) and the talk is centered around Tom's appearence at the cell bio party last night (tom is the fatherly PI). apparently, he brought a bottle of wine, and after staying about half an hour, decided to go, taking his unopened bottle of wine with him. everyone said that never would have happened if his wife was in town (the word on the street: she keeps his frugality in line). anyway, when he shows up at the party, he has a bottle of wine (i was about to whisper something about it being the same one, but decided against it). anyway, jeff (the host) immediately says, "Oh Tom, you brought wine. that's great." and proceeds to open it before Tom manages to take off his coat. i almost lost my shit right there.


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